"Hows Noah?" - When Conor McGregor confronted Ali Abdelaziz, the manager of Khabib Nurmagomedov,

June 2024 · 4 minute read

One of Conor McGregor’s most famous quotes was directed at infamous MMA manager Ali Abdelaziz.

In 2018, McGregor was matched up against Khabib Nurmagomedov for the UFC 229 main event. Throughout the fight buildup, ‘The Notorious’ and Nurmagomedov established one of the most legendary rivalries of all time, with multiple physical altercations outside their sanctioned bout.

During the UFC 229 fight week, McGregor and ‘The Eagle’ met for an intense press conference, followed by a faceoff. After coming face-to-face, ‘The Notorious’ became enraged by comments from Nurmagomedov’s manager, Ali Abdelaziz.

As Abdelaziz was instructed to leave by Dana White, McGregor screamed the following quote to the founder of Dominance MMA Management:

“You keep your mouth shut, kid. Let me take my picture. How’s Noah? How’s Noah? Yeah, shut your mouth. Never speak about me every again. Watch yourself around me because you’ll be out of here quick.”

At first, the MMA community wasn’t aware of the Noah that McGregor referenced. In the aftermath of the UFC 229 press conference, word got around about Abdelaziz having a child named Noah that he allegedly didn’t fully support.

Since then, the previously mentioned quote by ‘The Notorious’ has become a running joke amongst MMA fans.

When is Conor McGregor returning to the Octagon?

Conor McGregor hasn’t fought since suffering a severe leg injury against Dustin Poirier in July 2021. ‘The Notorious’ underwent surgery and endured a brutal recovery process to ensure he could return to the Octagon.

Earlier this year, fans were disappointed to hear McGregor wouldn’t return until 2024 due to his absence from the USADA drug-testing pool. Luckily, ‘The Notorious’ has re-started the random drug-testing protocol despite the partnership between the UFC and USADA ending next year.

It’s unclear when and where McGregor will fight next. As for his opponent, the former two-division UFC champion is expected to face Michael Chandler, who has become a massive superstar since moving from Bellator to the UFC.

Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler starred in The Ultimate Fighter Season 31 as opposing coaches. Despite his legendary career, ‘The Notorious’ came up short as a coach, with ‘Iron’ dominating most of the season. Only time will tell if Chandler can find the same success in the Octagon.

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