Olivia Rodrigo and Adam Faze break-up rumors explained as cheating claim surfaces

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Olivia Rodrigo and Adam Faze recently sparked breakup rumors after several fans claimed the latter allegedly cheated on the Driver’s License singer.

A viral video posted on Reddit by celebrity gossip site Deuxmoi claimed that Adam was seen with model Christine Burke on New Year’s Eve while Olivia celebrated the festivities with her friend, Conan Gray.

The separation rumors further intensified after the Good 4 U hitmaker talked about “getting over someone” during a recent interview with Vogue:

“Besides cutting off all contact, I think it’s important to not only forgive them, but forgive yourself for letting everything happen. That’s what I’ve learned.”

Although Rodrigo and Faze have not addressed speculation about their break-up, recent hints have left fans convinced that the pair have decided to call it quits:

A fan reacts to Olivia Rodrigo and Adam Faze break-up (1/2) (Image via Reddit)
Fans react to Olivia Rodrigo and Adam Faze break-up (2/2) (Image via Reddit)

Adam Faze and Olivia Rodrigo were last photographed together in November 2021 but reportedly spent the holiday season apart.

When did Olivia Rodrigo and Adam Faze start dating?

Olivia Rodrigo and Adam Faze reportedly started dating in July 2021 (Image via Twitter)

Olivia Rodrigo and Adam Faze sparked romance rumors for the first time in July 2021 after they were spotted together at the Space Jam: A New Legacy event at Six Flags Magic Mountain, California.

TikTok user Stuart Brazell, who attended the same event, told E! News at the time that the pair had a good time together:

"The two of them together felt comfortable and newish, and it seemed like he also knew a lot of people there. It just felt like comfortable, cuddly, new young love.”

Shortly after the outing, the duo were photographed in Los Angeles as they packed on the PDA and seemingly confirmed their relationship. However, the pair were criticized for their six-year age difference as fans called out Faze (24) for his romantic involvement with Rodrigo (18).

Despite the criticism, the couple continued to be seen together around Los Angeles. They were last spotted sharing an intimate moment on the streets in November 2021, prior to their latest separation rumors.

What does Adam Faze do?

Adam Faze is a producer and writer (Image via Rachel Murray/Getty Images

Adam Faze is a producer and writer known as the founder of Faze Studios. He reportedly produced several TV shows, films and music videos. He has been credited as the producer of Goody Grace and G-Eazy’s Girls in the Suburbs Singing Smiths Songs music video.

According to IMDB, the 24-year-old recently worked on two upcoming film projects titled River Fork and Who Am I? The latter reportedly stars 13 Reasons Why fame Brandon Flynn and Alisha Boe in lead roles.

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