There is hardly anything in this world that Justin Timberlake can't do. He is an amazing singer, a fabulous dancer, and also an incredible golfer with a handicap of 4.3. He is an avid golfer and enjoys his time playing the sport.
The Sexyback singer frequently plays alongside professional golfers. In 2019, he impressed four-time Major champion, Rory McIlroy, with his golf swing. During the pro-am tournament at Crans-Montana, Timberlake grabbed one point and excitedly grabbed McIlroy by the arm.
Timberlake even teamed up with legendary golfer Tiger Woods to open a sports bar in St. Andrews. They embarked on a journey to start a T-Squared Social bar in different parts of the world.
The actor loves sports and in one of his interviews with the New York Times in 2011, he said that he doesn't take much pressure while playing golf. He believed the sport was entertaining.
Speaking about golf, Timberlake said (via Huff Post):
“I don’t put that much pressure on myself on the golf course. So, I don’t feel that. Being an entertainer can be very, very intense. I felt that. To me, golf is getting out in nature with my buddies, or getting to play with my father.” “Entertaining and golf have two important things in common — rhythm and harmony. If you can dance well, when you get on the golf course, you’re going to have a nice harmonious, rhythmic golf swing," he added.Timberlake often plays golf and competes in pro-am tournaments.
"The idea for T-Squared Social came to us during a round of golf" - Tiger Woods reveals the idea behind starting sports bar
Woods collaborated with Justin Timberlake on a massive entertainment complex for golf enthusiasts. They are working on building T-Squared Social in New York and in other parts of the world.
Earlier this year in September, Woods opened up about his golf bar on its release. He shared what inspired him to start the entertainment bar and how the idea came about.
Speaking about T-squared Social, Woods said:
"The idea for T-Squared Social came to us during a round of golf at Albany, our development in The Bahamas. Justin and I thought it would be cool to create a place that combines our favorite things and brings people together to just have a great time. We always knew we wanted to do something together, and NEXUS gave us the platform to bring our idea to life."T-Squared Social is a full entertainment bar for golf enthusiasts. Besides including a full-swing golf simulator, it also has drinks, food, over 35 televisions, duckpin bowling and darts.
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